exip  Alpha 0.5.4
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
o*ASCII_stringManipulate.cString manipulation functions used for UCS <-> ASCII transformations
o*bodyDecode.cImplementing an API for decoding EXI stream body
o*bodyDecode.hAPI for decoding EXI stream body
o*bodyEncode.cImplementation of data and events serialization
o*bodyEncode.hAPI for encoding EXI stream body
o*check_builtin_grammar.cTests decoding documents using built-in grammar
o*check_contentIO.cTests the Content IO module
o*check_emptyType.cTests the creation of EmptyType grammars and the xsi:nil attribute handling
o*check_exip.cTests the whole EXIP library with some test input data
o*check_grammar.cTests the EXI grammar module
o*check_profile.cTests the EXI Profile processing
o*check_streamIO.cTests the interface to the EXI stream reader/decoder
o*check_strict_grammar.cTests decoding documents using strict grammar
o*check_stringTables.cTests the EXI String Tables module
o*check_xsi_type.cTests the encoding and decoding of xsi:type attributes
o*contentHandler.cImplementation of help functions for contentHandler interface
o*createGrammars.cGenerate EXI grammars from XML schema definition
o*createGrammars.hInterface to functions to Generate EXI grammars from XML schema definition
o*decodeTestEXI.cTesting the EXI decoder
o*decodeTestEXI.hInterface for a function decoding sample EXI messages
o*dynamicArray.cImplementation for untyped dynamic array
o*dynamicArray.hDeclarations for untyped dynamic array
o*dynOutputUtils.cImplement utility functions for storing EXIPSchema instances as dynamic code
o*encodeTestEXI.cTesting the EXI encoder
o*encodeTestEXI.hInterface for a function encoding a sample EXI message
o*EXIParser.cImplementation of a parser of EXI streams
o*exipb.cCommand-line utility
o*build/gcc/pc/exipConfig.hConfiguration parameters of the EXIP library To be defined per application
o*exipd.cCommand-line utility
o*exipe.cCommand-line utility for testing the EXI encoder
o*exipg.cCommand-line utility for generating EXI grammars from XML schema definition
o*exipOutputUtils.cImplement utility functions for storing EXIPSchema instances in exip-specific format
o*EXISerializer.cImplementation of the serializer of EXI streams
o*genUtils.cImplementation of utility functions for generating Schema-informed Grammar definitions
o*genUtils.hDefinition and utility functions for generating Schema-informed Grammar definitions
o*grammarGenerator.cImplementation of functions for generating Schema-informed Grammar definitions
o*grammars.cDefines grammar related functions
o*grammars.hTypes and functions describing EXI grammars
o*headerDecode.cImplementing the interface of EXI header decoder
o*headerDecode.hInterface for parsing an EXI header
o*headerEncode.cImplementing the interface of EXI header encoder
o*headerEncode.hInterface for serializing an EXI header
o*initSchemaInstance.cImplements the initialization functions for the EXIPSchema object
o*initSchemaInstance.hInitialization functions for the EXIPSchema object
o*ioUtil.cImplements common utilities for StreamIO module
o*ioUtil.hCommon utilities for StreamIO module
o*memManagement.cImplementation of handling memory operations - allocation, deallocation etc
o*memManagement.hHandles memory operations - allocation, deallocation etc
o*procTypes.cSupport functions for the common types
o*protoGrammars.cEXI Proto-Grammars implementation
o*protoGrammars.hDefinitions and utility functions for EXI Proto-Grammars
o*schemaOutputUtils.hUtility functions for storing EXIPSchema instances to external streams
o*sTables.cImplementation of functions describing EXI sting tables operations
o*sTables.hFunctions describing EXI sting tables operations
o*staticOutputUtils.cImplement utility functions for storing EXIPSchema instances as static code
o*streamDecode.cImplementing the interface to a higher-level EXI stream decoder - decode basic EXI types
o*streamDecode.hInterface to a higher-level EXI stream decoder - decode basic EXI types
o*streamEncode.cImplements an interface to a higher-level EXI stream encoder - encode basic EXI types
o*streamEncode.hInterface to a higher-level EXI stream encoder - encode basic EXI types
o*streamRead.cImplementing the interface to a low-level EXI stream reader
o*streamRead.hInterface to a low-level EXI stream reader
o*streamWrite.cImplementing the interface to a low-level EXI stream writer
o*streamWrite.hInterface to a low-level EXI stream writer
o*templeteDecoder.cTesting the EXI decoder
o*templeteEncoder.cReads a EXIP Template and generates an encoding
o*textOutputUtils.cImplement utility functions for storing EXIPSchema instances as human readable descriptions
o*treeTableBuild.cImplementation of functions for converting a XML schema document to a TreeTable structure containing the schema definitions
o*treeTableManipulate.cManipulation operations on the TreeTable such as rationalize, resolveTypeHierarchy etc
o*treeTableSchema.hDefining a TreeTable structure for schema definitions; Functions for converting the XML schema definitions to a TreeTable structure, and TreeTable manipulations
o*treeTableToGrammars.cImplementation of functions for converting a TreeTable structure containing the schema definitions to EXIPGrammar object