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Data Fields
GrammarRule Struct Reference

A container for productions for a particular left-hand side non-terminal.

#include <procTypes.h>

Data Fields

 Array of grammar productions with event code length 1. More...
Index pCount
 The number of productions. More...
uint16_t meta
 Meta information for the grammar rule: More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 649 of file bin/headers/procTypes.h.

Field Documentation

uint16_t GrammarRule::meta
  • most significant 15 bits contain the number of AT(qname)[schema-typed value] productions
  • least significant bit is used to: (1) indicate whether the rule has an EE production in case of Schema grammar OR (2) whether the rule contain AT(xsi:type) production in case of Build-in element grammar

Definition at line 662 of file bin/headers/procTypes.h.

Index GrammarRule::pCount

Definition at line 655 of file bin/headers/procTypes.h.

Production * GrammarRule::production

Definition at line 652 of file bin/headers/procTypes.h.

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