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grammars.h File Reference

Types and functions describing EXI grammars. More...

#include "errorHandle.h"
#include "procTypes.h"
#include "contentHandler.h"

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#define GET_ELEM_GRAMMAR_QNAMEID(schema, qnameID)   GET_LN_URI_QNAME((schema)->uriTable, qnameID).elemGrammar == INDEX_MAX?NULL:&((schema)->grammarTable.grammar[GET_LN_URI_QNAME((schema)->uriTable, qnameID).elemGrammar])
 Get global element EXIGrammar from the SchemaGrammarTable by given QNameID. More...
#define GET_TYPE_GRAMMAR_QNAMEID(schema, qnameID)   GET_LN_URI_QNAME((schema)->uriTable, qnameID).typeGrammar == INDEX_MAX?NULL:&((schema)->grammarTable.grammar[GET_LN_URI_QNAME((schema)->uriTable, qnameID).typeGrammar])
 Get global type EXIGrammar from the SchemaGrammarTable by given QNameID. More...


errorCode pushGrammar (EXIGrammarStack **gStack, QNameID currQNameID, EXIGrammar *grammar)
 Push a grammar on top of the Grammar Stack. More...
void popGrammar (EXIGrammarStack **gStack)
 Pop a grammar off the top of the Grammar Stack. More...
errorCode createDocGrammar (EXIPSchema *schema, QNameID *elQnameArr, Index qnameCount)
 Creates an instance of the EXI Built-in Document Grammar or Schema-Informed Document Grammar. More...
errorCode createFragmentGrammar (EXIPSchema *schema, QNameID *elQnameArr, Index qnameCount)
 Creates an instance of the EXI Built-in Fragment Grammar or Schema-Informed Fragment Grammar. More...
unsigned int getBitsFirstPartCode (EXIStream *strm, Index prodCount, SmallIndex currentRuleIndx)
 For a given grammar and a rule from it, returns the number of bits needed to encode a production from that rule. More...
errorCode printGrammarRule (SmallIndex nonTermID, GrammarRule *rule, EXIPSchema *schema)
 Prints a grammar rule Note! This is only for debugging purposes! More...

Detailed Description

Sep 7, 2010
Rumen Kyusakov
[Revision] $Id: grammars.h 335 2014-05-05 18:23:26Z kjussakov $

Definition in file grammars.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 25 of file grammars.h.

#define GET_ELEM_GRAMMAR_QNAMEID (   schema,
)    GET_LN_URI_QNAME((schema)->uriTable, qnameID).elemGrammar == INDEX_MAX?NULL:&((schema)->grammarTable.grammar[GET_LN_URI_QNAME((schema)->uriTable, qnameID).elemGrammar])

Returns NULL if the grammar does not exists in the SchemaGrammarTable (i.e. the index of the grammar in the string table is INDEX_MAX)

Definition at line 32 of file grammars.h.

#define GET_TYPE_GRAMMAR_QNAMEID (   schema,
)    GET_LN_URI_QNAME((schema)->uriTable, qnameID).typeGrammar == INDEX_MAX?NULL:&((schema)->grammarTable.grammar[GET_LN_URI_QNAME((schema)->uriTable, qnameID).typeGrammar])

Returns NULL if the grammar does not exists in the SchemaGrammarTable (i.e. the index of the grammar in the string table is INDEX_MAX)

Definition at line 39 of file grammars.h.

Function Documentation

errorCode createDocGrammar ( EXIPSchema schema,
QNameID elQnameArr,
Index  qnameCount 

If elQnameArr is NULL then it creates EXI Built-in Document Grammar, otherwise it creates Schema-Informed Document Grammar with global elements stored (sorted) in elQnameArr

[in,out]schemathe schema describing the document
[in]elQnameArrarray of QNameIds of global element definitions if any; NULL otherwise (schema-less mode)
[in]qnameCountthe number of global element definitions if any; 0 otherwise
Error handling code

Definition at line 27 of file grammars.c.

errorCode createFragmentGrammar ( EXIPSchema schema,
QNameID elQnameArr,
Index  qnameCount 

If elQnameArr is NULL then it creates EXI Built-in Fragment Grammar, otherwise it creates Schema-Informed Fragment Grammar

[in,out]schemathe schema describing the document
[in]elQnameArrarray of QNameIds of element definitions if any; NULL otherwise (schema-less mode)
[in]qnameCountthe number of global element definitions if any; 0 otherwise
Error handling code

Definition at line 240 of file grammars.c.

unsigned int getBitsFirstPartCode ( EXIStream strm,
Index  prodCount,
SmallIndex  currentRuleIndx 
[in]strmEXI stream
[in]prodCountnumber of productions in the current grammar rule
[in]currentRuleIndxthe index of the concrete grammar rule
number of bits needed to encode a production

Definition at line 320 of file grammars.c.

void popGrammar ( EXIGrammarStack **  gStack)
[in,out]gStackthe Grammar stack

Definition at line 228 of file grammars.c.

errorCode printGrammarRule ( SmallIndex  nonTermID,
GrammarRule rule,
EXIPSchema schema 
[in]nonTermIDThe left hand side nonTerminal of the Rule
[in]rulea Grammar Rule to be printed
[in]schemafor string tables
Error handling code

Definition at line 426 of file grammars.c.

errorCode pushGrammar ( EXIGrammarStack **  gStack,
QNameID  currQNameID,
EXIGrammar grammar 
[in,out]gStackthe Grammar Stack
[in]currQNameIDthe currently proccessed element QNameID that is having this grammar
[in]grammara EXI grammar
Error handling code

Definition at line 214 of file grammars.c.