exip Embeddable EXI Processor in C

  1. Kyusakov, R.
    Efficient Web Services for End-To-End Interoperability of Embedded Systems
    Ph.D. thesis, Luleå University of Technology, ISSN: 1402-1544, 2014
  2. Kyusakov, R.; Puñal Pereira, P.; Eliasson, J. & Delsing, J.
    EXIP: A Framework for Embedded Web Development
    ACM Transactions on the Web, 8(4), 2014
  3. Kyusakov, R.; Eliasson, J. & Delsing, J.
    Efficient Structured Data Processing for Web Service Enabled Shop Floor Devices
    20th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2011

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